Success Through Educational Mentoring (S.T.E.M.) is a dedicated non-profit, offering students a transformative educational resource program. Our emphasis lies in nurturing positive mentor-mentee relationships, elevating academic and personal accomplishments. Through S.T.E.M., young minds are not only enriched but also empowered, fostering personal growth, amplifying student agency, and weaving a tight-knit community of learners and leaders.
Most of our customers get relief after their first session, and recover completely after finishing the program.
"He built his confidence in STEM as well as a desire to keep on learning as much as he can after high school"
"STEM empowers high school students. We help them realize their potential and provide tools to help them reach their goals. It feels great to pass on advice that I wish I heard when I was at that stage in my life"
"STEM equips stidents with the resources they need to unlock their true capabilities and guide them towards their aspirations. We appreciate the wisdom the program shares that I wish I had received during those pivotal years."
Mentees and mentors are provided with a time-proven curriculum led by professionals.
Success Through Educational Mentoring